Sunday 17 August 2008

El Greco- Laocoon, The Redemptor

El Greco belongs as a metaphysician(every significant artist is a metaphysician, a propounder of beauty-truths and form-theories) to no known school. The most one can say, by way of classification, is that like most artists of the Baroque, he believed in the validity of ecstacy, of the non-rational, 'numinous' experiences out of which, as a raw material, the reason fashions the gods or the various attributes of God.
Aldous Huxley- 'Meditation on El Greco' from Music at Night.

1 comment:

Tony Francis said...

El Greco is idiosyncratic. His work can instantaneously be recognized. Much different from the Academic or Beaux-Arts styles, where the painters were interchangeable.