Friday 1 August 2008

Lost Memory Not

There have been so many uses of the lost memory device that I have thought of writing a novel with the unusual device of the central protagonist not having lost his memory. The book seeks to discover why. Naturally one hopes this will be made into a film.


Tony Francis said...

Some woman I have had the pleasure of knowing remember everything I ever said. For better or worse - usually worse.

Andrew said...

You should follow my lead & make a novel out of it, with hopes of an ensuing film.

Tony Francis said...

Problem is, I can't remember what was good about it, and they remember everything. This means if I want to write a novel, I have to get in touch with them, with the intent of extracting the lost memories. Surely, the chance of turning into an alcoholic is greater than writing a best-seller. It would be that painful. Sorry. I just don't have it in me.