Monday 9 June 2008

The Post 911 World

Representatives of the Hypothetical World State have decreed that in the event of the hypothetical becoming actual, the opening sentence of every article in the public domain will have to commence with the words, "In the post-911 world..." Thus, for example:

In the post 911-world, the freedom to be consoled by the exploits of Paris Hilton is a reminder of why we must be prepared to make sacrifices to defend the glorious adventure that is western civilization.


In the post-911 world, where mobile phones can take wonderfully clear photographs, it is clear that peace has failed, and torture and war must be given their chance to defend the glorious adventure that is western civilization.

"Public domain" has been defined as "That which exists beyond the private dimension of the individual inner consciousness," and "article" as "succession of words existing in the public domain."

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