Monday 23 June 2008

Economic Aid

Some of Britain's best known writers are backing a wonderful means of economic self-improvement, which some dissenting voices claim is merely the revival of old wives' tales thinking.
The writers claim that if one assumes a grovelling position at the feet of a murderous, demon-possessed politician- preferably American- and carefully ensuring not to raise one's unworthy eyes to the face of the beloved, then with unflagging enthusiasm engage in the assiduous licking of the boot leather of said figure, this will unfailingly result in almost immediate improvement of one's bank balance.
"I know it sounds crazy," said one well known author, "but it really works!"
Some find the boot licking induces a violently nauseous reaction at first at the core of one's being, but most soon develop a real taste for it.
One famous author was asked whether the above resulted in any lacerating feelings of self-disgust, but on the contrary, he considered it a "morally superior" action, and intimate association with the boot leather of the politicians served to enhance his already powerful masculinity.
It is claimed that the relative politicians are engaged in similar activities, but with figures substantially further up the worldly food chain.

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