Monday 22 May 2023

Turn On

Just a quick thought on the 60s generation in terms of those apparent values of freedom and questioning of authority, etc that were all apparently so precious, but who ended up in the long run completely subservient to the systems of authority such as big government, big pharma, big media, etc. There was a famous line, whether it deserved its fame or not, by the acid proselytiser Timothy Leary, “Turn on, tune in, drop out.” Well over time, we’ve seen icons of the 60s spirit, like Neil Young and Joni Mitchell,  exhibiting total subservience to the said party lines of big government, big pharma, big media, and demanding the active suppression of any dissident voices like Joe Rogan who talked of, and acted, otherwise than the manner of total subservience demanded of them - and what’s worse, how they lived to tell the tale!

Well - and this is less succinct than I’d have wished - that slogan of Leary’s and its receptive target audience is long due an update, and I think that updated slogan for its chosen and receptive audience should perhaps go something like this:

Turn on (the mainstream media), tune in, bow down.

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