Sunday 16 September 2007

Modern Britain - Suspect Nation

Excellent documentary here. "The State now has powers that to probe & pry into our lives that the dictatorships of the past couldn't have dreamt of. A profound change is taking place...We should all be worried we are sleepwalking into a society where 24 hour surveillance of everyone is the norm." Since Tony Blair’s New Labour government came to power in 1997, the UK civil liberties landscape has changed dramatically. ASBOs were introduced by Section 1 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and first used in 1999. The right to remain silent is no longer universal. The right to privacy, free from interception of communications has been severely curtailed. The ability to travel without surveillance (or those details of our journeys being retained) has disappeared. Indeed, as Henry Porter (the Observer journalist famous for his recent email clash with Tony Blair over the paring down of civil liberties) reveals in this unsettling film, British citizens' movements are being watched, and recorded, more than ever before. Here the fundamental State philosophy towards its citizens views being exactly that, ie ITS citizens, as opposed to the citizens' State. And with that in mind it is interesting to take a look at some thoughts of Friedrich Nietzsche from Human, All Too Human: Socialism is the visionary younger brother of an almost decrepit depostism whose heir it wants to be. It desires a wealth of executive power, as only despotism had it; indeed, it outdoes everything in the past by striving for the downright destruction of the individual, which it sees as an unjustified luxury of nature, & which it intends to improve unto an expedient organ of the community...It desires the Caesarean power state of this needs the most submissive subjugation of all citizens to the absolute state, the likes of which has never existed. And since it cannot even count any longer on the old religious piety towards the state, having rather always to work to eliminate piety, it can only hope to exist here & there for short periods of time by means of the most extreme terrorism. Therefore, it secretly prepares for reigns of terror, & drives the word "justice" like a nail into the heads of the semieducated masses, to rob them completely of their reason(after this reason has already suffered a great deal from its semieducation), & to give them a good conscience for the evil game they are supposed to play. Socialism can serve as a rather brutal & forceful way to teach the danger of all accumulations of state power, & to that extent instill one with distrust of the state itself. When its rough voice chimes in with the battle cry "As much state as possible," it will at first make the cry noisier than ever; but soon the opposite cry will be heard with strength the greater: "As little state as possible." Naively we may imagine that the US is a capitalist system where the above does necessarily not apply but the identical attitude of "the state" towards "its" citizens is clearly in operation, where the state, under the justification of a phoney war on terror, awards itself endless rights of observation over its citizens whose traditional rights such as habeus corpus are severely eroded. I use inverted commas over the state as it seems conveniently forgotten that the actions of the various states are on behalf of individuals or ruling elites rather than imaginary entities such as these states, even though highly complex bureaucratic edifices may convey the impression that such entities are indeed real.


Anonymous said...

Allan Bloom says something like "the aim is to have a happy city composed entirely of unhappy citizens" on Plato's Republic ('The Closing of the American Mind').

Funny how the G has all these powers but street crime in particular is out of control. i suppose they'd say they need more powers to curb crime. i'd point out that they don't seem to be using them for that.

Andrew said...

I'm afriad I have to go all teh way with the conspiratorial view since it seems to becoming clearer this New World Order one can easily see being repeatedly mentioned is an aspiration, & the people looking for this one world government are members of lunatic societies like Skull & Bones...they are carrying out false flag terrorist attacks as means to justify the ends of greater state powers & curbing of individual freedoms, etc etc. In short they do have an end in sight & this includes dumbing-down of populations...A bit late & I'm knackered so how do I make it relatively succinct?
I wonder are tehy desiring the breakdown of society? I think ancient ideas like nemesis are true & if you do have a society devoted to inasnity/stupidity like consciouness immersed in Ant & Dec, Big Brother, Pop Idol insanity, then that society will inevitably suffer its nemesis. So people whose sense of reality is intentionally nuts are quite likely to act nuts. It's hard to see how tabloid cultures will avoid ultimately breaking down.

Sorry haven't time to be a bit more thoughtful on all that...

Anonymous said...

Just met a friend who said pretty much the same, that popular culture is designed to stop people thinking, and to reduce their sensibilities to the most crude spectrum. A lot in that.

Anonymous said...

"How good for the govts of the world that their people don't think."
Adolf Hitler