Saturday 1 June 2024

For the Age

Spruce Pipedream, Robert the Niro and Sir Tony Blair have just recorded what they are terming “a song for the age”, called Sexualise Your Children for the Revolution. Siri Tony and Spruce of course previously worked together on what was specifically intended as a song for our times, Denim

“Apart from the ruling elites and some celebrities, children are the purest form of humans, and that’s why they need to be sexualised,” declares a promo blurb for the song. “This is how they can best serve the Revolution.”

Spruce, Robert and Sir Tony are releasing the song under the band name, The Groovy Kids. Their debut release is said to feature the well chosen but restrained use of a vintage mandolin and also maracas.

A Vatican insider has informed us that Pope Francis is very excited to hear the song, and is sure it will be prove to be “funky as hell.” The pope is also confident that the song will do its bit in helping usher in both a one world government and a global currency to help defeat climate change.

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