Thursday 20 June 2024

Call of the Zeitgeist 2

[From reading yesterday‘s post of this name, I see I totally screwed up the powerful effect of its beautiful and elegant poetry by crap editing and writing a line in the wrong place, and so, slightly changed, here it is again but improved and even better.]

Rockstars Against Freedom, after their earlier bouts of creative activity, have been quite for a while - perhaps in their innocence they thought their work was done, any threats to the ruling elites and their obedient lackeys forever quashed, but sadly new such threats are always ready to emerge from the lunatic fringe, demanding their far-right rights like freedom of speech, or even more dangerously, endangering all our lives by resisting calls to inject new and very safe products made by the drug cartels that don’t prevent you from picking up something or other created in laboratories somewhere or other. 

And so anyway, ever willing to hearken to the call of the zeitgeist, the countercultural rockstars are back in the saddle with a new release, All We Need to Save the World, lyrics below.

Children are people like me and you
And they can have their own sorrowful emotions too
Innocent eyes lowered to the ground
But all they probably need to turn that mood around
Is the sensation 
Of a sex change operation

Save the children from the sadness 
Can you really be so heartless
To deny them their happiness?

Beat the fascists
Beat the fascists
We can beat the fascists
With sex change operations 
For our children 

Statistics show they have a better chance 
Of making it in the porn industry
If they can have a sex change
Before the age of three

Beat the fascists
Oh we can beat the fascists
Beat them down forever
Save the children
Protect the porn industry
Save the children [etc]

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