Friday 28 June 2024


Just to let you know that  Countercultural Icons of Humanity have just released a new single: They Got the Hate, We Got the Booster Shots - Which You Gonna Choose?” 

According to an instant reaction from Rolling Stone magazine, this apparently is the song that could make the difference.

Incidentally, some journalists are saying they might even prefer to b side of the single, Let Me Be Your Guinea Pig, on both artistic and maybe even ideological grounds”Its message hits home harder,” professed one. “It’s time we took the gloves off. We need to hit and we need to hit hard. This is the front line.”

Thursday 27 June 2024



Something from a while back that I just changed a little bit, adding some white in which I think finishes it. With such quite minimal works is even small things that are off can upset or mess up the piece as a whole, but I think it’s pretty close to how it should be now, and any more work on it would probably be more likely to detract rather than add to it.

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Around the World

“ If you went to own the world twice, you’d end up back where you started from.”
“I know yeah. The same as if you went around it once.”
“And if you went around the world three times, you’d end up back there as well. What do you think of that?”
“I don’t think anything of it.”
“It’s amazing.”



Just trying to finish up this piece from a while back.

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Lock, Door

“If you have to change the lock of your door, why not just change the door instead?”
“What do you mean just change the door? It’s so much bigger deal to have to change the door than a lock.”
“Locks can be difficult. You know where you are with a door.”

[If that above has some deeper meaning, I’ve no idea for now what it might be]

Ramon Casas


Sunday 23 June 2024

Friday 21 June 2024


 There were these people who thought their thoughts were very valuable and so, wherever it was they were going, or thought they were going, they tried to take their thoughts with them, kept them in sacks or whatever, maybe tied them around their waists. Unfortunately though, when they came to an obstacle, a body of water, a bit of a river that they had to cross, instead of keeping them afloat and helping them across, their thoughts dragged them down.

side of road




Thursday 20 June 2024

Call of the Zeitgeist 2

[From reading yesterday‘s post of this name, I see I totally screwed up the powerful effect of its beautiful and elegant poetry by crap editing and writing a line in the wrong place, and so, slightly changed, here it is again but improved and even better.]

Rockstars Against Freedom, after their earlier bouts of creative activity, have been quite for a while - perhaps in their innocence they thought their work was done, any threats to the ruling elites and their obedient lackeys forever quashed, but sadly new such threats are always ready to emerge from the lunatic fringe, demanding their far-right rights like freedom of speech, or even more dangerously, endangering all our lives by resisting calls to inject new and very safe products made by the drug cartels that don’t prevent you from picking up something or other created in laboratories somewhere or other. 

And so anyway, ever willing to hearken to the call of the zeitgeist, the countercultural rockstars are back in the saddle with a new release, All We Need to Save the World, lyrics below.

Children are people like me and you
And they can have their own sorrowful emotions too
Innocent eyes lowered to the ground
But all they probably need to turn that mood around
Is the sensation 
Of a sex change operation

Save the children from the sadness 
Can you really be so heartless
To deny them their happiness?

Beat the fascists
Beat the fascists
We can beat the fascists
With sex change operations 
For our children 

Statistics show they have a better chance 
Of making it in the porn industry
If they can have a sex change
Before the age of three

Beat the fascists
Oh we can beat the fascists
Beat them down forever
Save the children
Protect the porn industry
Save the children [etc]

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Better Than Nothing

“The weeds can be better than nothing, you know.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, on uneven ground anyway, the weeds can be the only thing binding the ground together.”
“I suppose so, yeah. In the absence of something better, sometimes the weeds can be better than nothing.”

Monday 17 June 2024

from below



The latest and for now hottest word from the entertainment industrial complex is that the Corporate Whore franchise is all set to unfurl and roll out its newest offspring onto the conveyor belt of reality! We can for now only guess at its closely guarded content, but we can reveal it is to be called Corporate Whores Point the Way.                   

There are also whispers of another emanation in the pipeline, though we admit we are perhaps made a little uneasy by word of its projected title which is Not All Corporate Whores are Created Equal. Apologies if you find this disturbs somewhat the fabric of your inner equilibrium. 
We will of course keep you informed of any developments if and when we hear of them.


“What is a nation’s greatest assets?”
“Its celebrities?”

Saturday 15 June 2024

The Well Functioning State, Hospital

 In the last post, macron nationalism, I talked about the obvious agenda across the western world of flooding these countries with migrants. Diversity can obviously be interesting in terms of an urban melting pot and so on, and so I’m not going into that issue as a whole, but regarding the actions of a nation’s leaders, obviously their entire purpose should be to serve the best interests of the nation, its soundness as a functioning social system. 

If one is amenable to a large influx of immigrants, particularly to the point of significant demographical change of society, whatever about the desire ability or not of the agenda, the sane and necessary base from which this ongoing process Could be justified is that the nation as is is structurally sound functioning smoothly in how it is dealing with the existing population. And then on top of this soundness, extra pressures such as increased Human numbers Of perhaps very different cultural backgrounds can be added, as it were, And not stabilize that sound system. 

In my country Ireland’s case we have a major housing crisis, And where things like rent prices have gone crazy . And then on top of this, unprecedented levels of immigrants are intentionally being brought in With seeming no regard whatsoever both the public’s desires it’s just simply being imposed from above, and this same pattern and obvious agenda is going on in very, very many countries in the west. So So here in Ireland regarding this hugely important issue of housing, we have a dysfunctional system, and extra pressure to this dysfunction is intentionally being added to by the government. 

This is undeniable but pretty tediously obvious, and the real reason I’m spurred to writing this though is because yesterday in our town’s medical center my much younger sister, Aimee who has spina bifida was told by the doctor that we would have to go to the Accident and Emergency unit in the Cork University Hospital (CUH) to see, or hopefully rule out, if a painful problem in her knee was due to infection in which case it could be very serious. It would more likely prove not to be, but it couldn’t be ignored, and if infected it would have to be treated very quickly. 

So the CUH is by far the major hospital of Cork, which is the second major city of the Republic of Ireland, and this hospital also cover a very wide area beyond the city. So myself and Aimee arrived at the hospital at about half five, sent through whatever initial filtering things went fairly smoothly at her blood pressure checked and gave blood about half seven and then we had to wait for the results to come back and then see a doctor.

We were told it might take about two hours to get the blood results, and because the hospital was busy, perhaps as much as another two hours to see a doctor. So, not of course that we were thinking in anything remotely like these terms, we should get a good firsthand look here at how well a very important aspect of a modern, prosperous, liberal society is functioning and how well served it is by its leaders and functionaries. 

As close to 1 AM the room where we were, about six people had been waiting in for now about 4 to 5 hours each, and finally one by one people started to be called out. The first one called out was a man being checked for I think sepsis, which can be very quickly fatal. Obviously, accident and emergencies will cover some quite serious or potentially serious emergencies. So anyway at last. We were on the move! Unfortunately, it turned out that’s all we were doing - moving.We had been moved to a different larger room rather than going to see any doctor or specialist. There are lots of other people still waiting to see a doctor, and beside us was a man in his 70s who had arrived into the hospital at the same time as myself and Aimee shortly after 5 PM, in his case with troubling chest pains.

So we all continued to wait, sitting in our seats occasionally dropping off into groggy sleep for short periods. At about 4 AM in conversation with the people around us from what we could see not one person in the room of I guess 25 people had yet seen a doctor, and neither had anyone told us anything about what was going on. It seemed we were just waiting there pointlessly.

 I went and asked a nurse at their station what was going on, if anything was actually happening, because it certainly didn’t look like anything was. Were we just sitting there for hours through the night for no reason. She struck me as very genuine, but Was stuck in this stupid, embarrassing situation of having to explain that there was one doctor on in total for the night, and was presumably busy with the most serious cases - who had probably never been in our room to begin with. And yes, there was little chance of any of those waiting being seen during the rest of the night until 8 AM when other doctors would come on duty. At least on the back it is Aimee was able to get onto a trolley bed at about 4:30 AM from out of her wheelchair to get a bit of sleep.

I think it was close to 10 AM that Aimee eventually got to see a doctor, who was very pleasant and efficient, and who sent her for x-rays. At least things went as expected from here - and we were out by around midday. From talking to one nurse, this is not out of the ordinary. This is now the norm for evening and night time at the accident emergency unit of the biggest hospital in the Republic of Ireland outside of Dublin. She said it’s even worse to a friend of her who works in Limerick Hospital, and from a conversation with someone a while ago, he said a young woman died recently in Limerick from sepsis while hospital, herself and her father begging for treatment but not getting any, and so she died in there.

So anyway, that’s the modern well run country in action. We are well equipped to deal with all incomers. You might think if for example, you have a scaffolding put up and it’s shaky and not safe what you shouldn’t be doing is adding lots more pressure to it. But it seems you’d be wrong.

“But they were so obsessed with our head during Covid with lockdown and vaccinations and everything. But now it seems like they couldn’t care less. It makes no sense!”
“That’s right. It makes no sense.”

Thursday 13 June 2024

Macron, Nationalism

Just a quick thought or observation from a few days ago where I saw some clip of France’s President Macron, in the wake of EU election results which didn’t go his way, calling for I think immediate French general election. It showed him making very negative slanted comment on ‘nationalism’ as if it were a dirty word, and clearly considered a threat to what Macron considered desirable - which by inference is obviously a globalist agenda.

This would have been a good point for someone to interject and say, “Sorry Emmanuel, aren’t you the head of the nation? Do you understand the chain of connections we have here and the problem we might have? We have the idea of nationalism, which gives birth to the nation, and so here you are, the head of the nation, but you’re decrying nationalism. That’s a bit like the managing director of a truck company berating the shareholders at a general meeting he thinks trucks shouldn’t be on the roads. He might give a load of reasons why trucks should be off the roads, but however forceful he may be, we can be pretty confident in saying he’s still the wrong person to be heading this truck company.” Given his views, his actions are virtually certain to amount to that of a traitor to the interests of what he’s meant to be representing.

And if the heads of nations like Macron are ideologically viewing nations/nationalism as a negative, then these are most definitely the wrong people for the best interests of these nations. And thus of course it becomes very easy to see the intent in intentionally undermining of the sound structure of their nations through things like flooding them with immigrants, which is of course happening all over the place. There’s also the laughable equivalent where populism is decried as a threat to democracy! What kind of democracy would that be again where the wishes of the populace at large are a threat to democracy? It would probably be an idea democracy, where ruling elites impose their will on the people rather than represent the will of the people.

And to add, whatever about some involved’s undeclared hidden desires, the European Union was always supposed to be simply means of aiding economic interplay between European nations. It was not supposed to be any kind of unified political superstructure, a next step up from the nation state. But I think it’s pretty easy to see stooges like Macron view things differently.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Saturday 8 June 2024

A New Word - The Modern Socialist

“When and obviously, well educated and well off middle-class or, to use classic old school terminology, bourgeois person claims to be a socialist, it seems strange to me. Obviously the entire declared reason for the left was initially and for a long time passionate concern for the proletariat, they were elevated to the highest human ideal, and thus the class war, hatred of bourgeois decadence and so on. But these people I’m talking about, I don’t think give they a damn about the working classes. Or if to do give a damn it’s only in the sense of intensely disliking them, and there’s no plausible sense of ideals aimed towards helping them or their elevation. As far as having to concern themselves with these they typically just write them all off as far right,  racist fascist or whatever, And have nothing more to do with them. 
So what’s this socialist ideal that they declare all about?”
“Well, it’s because socialism in its essence is really an envisaged totalitarian dictatorship by a self imagined intellectual elite. And these people you’re talking about of course believe themselves to be part of this elite. And so that’s what they mean when they say they are socialists.”
“ And so that’s what’s really going on with all this woke stuff being pushed by the elites, their media outlets, education systems and so on. It’s the same totalitarian socialist ‘ideal’?”
“Yes of course. There’s a court by Alexander Dumas, ‘Things change their name and the vulgar do not follow them. That is all.’ 
So they needed a new name and so essentially wokeism is the newest term for this cult of Progress, which we can reduce further to a cult of human vanity. And through vanity, we open ourselves up to demonic influence and that’s why all these vanity fueled imaginings, such as the progressive socialist utopia, quickly reveal themselves to be seriously off to anyone with any kind of eyes to see. But of course, not to those who are basking in all the vanity. And this cult leads deeper into things like transhumanism, where the imaginings and ideals get crazier and crazier. Thus as Jesus says, ‘Those who walk in the dark do not know where they are going.’
So anyway, that’s what’s going on with the pompous, prosperous‘socialist’ idealists you’re wondering about. It’s about socialism is totalitarian rule by a self imagined elite who, by virtue of their brilliance, deserve to rule, and these people consider themselves be part of this elite, deserve to rule, and thus are socialists. 
To add, the slightly more modest version is that the leftist followers consider rule by the supposed intellectual elite to be an expression and extension of their own will and desires - which, in itself is of course also the most naïve vanity.”

Friday 7 June 2024


“How many legs do you believe people can have?”
“Legs? I’m not sure why you’re asking but, apart from people in whatever unfortunate circumstances, after accidents or whatever, obviously we have two legs.”
“I don’t believe this! You fascist far-right bastard!”
“What?! What the hell are you on about?”
“Some people identify their arms as legs, and so they have four legs. And others might identify one of their legs as an arm, and so they have three. And others might identify their legs as arms, and so they don’t have any legs. Or one leg they see as an arm and so they have one leg. And there’s other people who are going deeper into all this and they are beginning to regard their toes as legs, or their fingers or whatever. The permutations are basically endless. And they’re getting bigger. 
But then, rather than meet with understanding, we have to deal with fascist cavemen like you with your ‘People can only have two legs!’ The far-right must be stopped!”
“I didn’t mean anything by it. Calm down. Do you want me to find you a safe space somewhere.”
“Get away from me you fascist monster! You intolerant extremist creeps should be eliminated! And you will be soon!”

Thursday 6 June 2024

Monday 3 June 2024



Something I finished a few days ago - or committed to it being finished by handing it in to be framed.

Gather Up

 “Gather up the fragments that remain so that nothing is lost.”

Gospel of John

Sunday 2 June 2024



No, surprisingly it’s not another dose of satire and sarcasm, but instead a few photos of this rainbow phenomenon that emanated yesterday morning whilst hosing a slice of the garden.

Saturday 1 June 2024

For the Age

Spruce Pipedream, Robert the Niro and Sir Tony Blair have just recorded what they are terming “a song for the age”, called Sexualise Your Children for the Revolution. Siri Tony and Spruce of course previously worked together on what was specifically intended as a song for our times, Denim

“Apart from the ruling elites and some celebrities, children are the purest form of humans, and that’s why they need to be sexualised,” declares a promo blurb for the song. “This is how they can best serve the Revolution.”

Spruce, Robert and Sir Tony are releasing the song under the band name, The Groovy Kids. Their debut release is said to feature the well chosen but restrained use of a vintage mandolin and also maracas.

A Vatican insider has informed us that Pope Francis is very excited to hear the song, and is sure it will be prove to be “funky as hell.” The pope is also confident that the song will do its bit in helping usher in both a one world government and a global currency to help defeat climate change.