Monday 13 May 2024


 “I have heard there are people who believe the Germans are not a very funny people. What do you think? This is ridiculous, is it not?”
“Well of course you’re going to get amusing people in every culture, but maybe in terms of general traits, or at least an international impression of these traits or characteristics, the Germans might’nt be considered the most funny of peoples.”
“What!? This is nonsense! Who are these Germans you are talking about who are not funny?! Produce them!”
“I’m just talking about general impressions. Every nation or people will be subject to stereotypes, but even if unfair or distorted, there will still tend to be some degree of truth within those stereotypes. And I suppose the mental picture perhaps most people would tend to form of the Germans, in terms anyway of a stereotype, would be of a tendency perhaps towards excessive rationality, efficiency and even authoritarianism rather than, say, being light-hearted and amusing. And so for instance you could argue it’s no coincidence someone like Marx was German.”
“I do not accept any of this. I think the Germans are probably the most funny people and you all realize this but you do not like it. So see if you can prove it to me. Prove we are not funny.”
“What do you mean prove it?”
“You already realize in your inner mechanism that this cannot be done. See if you can form a cohesive, well-structured argument with at least five main points detailing how the Germans are not a funny people. You may compare and contrast with other peoples if you wish. You may even include a bibliography. We both know you will not be able to do it, the idea will collapse of itself, and then . . .”
“Then what?”
“The German people will be vindicated and the Germanic idea will be victorious!”
“Fair enough.”

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