Thursday 9 April 2009


Idolatry is the worship of the products of man's thought as though they possessed independent organic form. 'Sin' here isn't the depriving ourselves of some wonderful pleasure for reasons of morality, but a labelling of the process, and inevitable consequences, of losing ourselves in self-made unrealities. Regarding idolatry one might say: what about, for example, sun-worship? One doesn't create the sun with one's own thought and so this does not equate to the given notion of idolatry. But it isn't the sun one is worshipping. It is the idea of the sun. The whole process of worship is an intellectual or mental activity: the mind has the concept of the sun, the concept of itself, and then the itself concept tries to bow down to the sun concept. All organised religion where the individual is supposed to exist at some point within a hierarchical structure could arguably be seen as an example of this. A man-made structure is a product of thought, and if the individual is supposed to maintain his position within the structure, as he must if he is to remain a part of the religious structure, that is at least if it is a hierarchical one where he has his allotted place, then he must always remain within the bounds of thought and so inevitably idolatry; ie bowing down to manifestations of the intellect, a perverting of reality.

 Such hierarchical structures have to always curb surrender to pure being, which is genuine religion, for if one does not remain within the world of thought, then, as a matter of natural course, all structures fail to manifest themselves, and so no longer existing within the parameters of structure, how can one be part of a religion? So religion is true where it aids and seeks as its proper end this release from self-made structure, false where it seeks to maintain it.


Anonymous said...

Of course the centre-pole which creates, and around which all I-dols revolve is "I", the primary idol.

No "I" no idol---just a vast unpatterned joy, or as Blake told us energy is eternal de-light.

Andrew said...

Yes, that's where all this leads ultimately.

lotusgreen said...

wow-- this is nice

Andrew said...

Thanks very much.