Saturday 7 March 2009

Something or Nothing

These words are setting out on a journey. Where they are going, I have no idea; and why they are going there, even less so, though that they are going, is, nonetheless, certain. They are words without pretension; dignified yet humble, integrated without fuss within reality, and exhibiting no apparent desire to exist outside of that reality. Why should they? To wish to dwell apart would be madness.

But humble though they may be, perhaps this is not quite humble enough. For these words possess no sense of self, and so talk of their dignity, humility, lack of pretension is all a bit literary. I could screw this paper up, throw it in the fire, and where would they be then? In the fire, and even then not for long. In this light their humility would begin to look the grossest arrogance. And so, if we are talking about pretension, dignity, humility and so on, then it is to the author of these words all this must really refer, and what kind of author starts talking about his own humility, dignity, etc?

And so we have all these words, and they keep on coming- and what is their purpose? What are they trying to tell us, if anything? Maybe nothing, but if so is it nothing with a purpose, meaning not really nothing but something, but something that cannot be said, only in the form of apparently nothing? I have no idea. Perhaps it's really nothing, but masquerading as something, something subtle and implied. It must be one or the other.

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