Tuesday 24 March 2009

Getting Somewhere

"I think I'm getting somewhere now."
"Towards the truth."
"What do you mean by the truth?"
"You know- the truth of things."
"Yes, the truth of things are words also. To what do they refer?"
"That's what I'm trying to get to."
"So you are close to arriving at some point of illumination in the future?"
"Yes, you could put it like that."
"You are alive now, and as an existential intellectual being the words we are using should have meaning within this now, otherwise the intellect is pointless. Think of this 'future', towards which you are apparently moving, as a word of significance or signifying something. 'The future' in an intellectual sense is an absurdity since it has no meaning within the now which the intellect which uses the word inhabits. As a language term in terms of pure thought, as opposed to practical external matters, it is an unintelligible concept. So if you are going to use words they have to have meaning within the present within which they are used. So, what is 'the truth'?
After a pause: "I suppose the distillation of everything within an absolute centre."
"Very good. You've found another way of saying 'the truth' or 'the truth of things.' Are you seeking truth, I wonder, or simply other ways of saying 'the truth'? That's what most respected enquiry into such things seems to amount to. The mind produces words like 'the truth', but what this signifies is not more words, and what is signified must be directly perceived in the present, not an intellectually non-existent realm called 'the future'."

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