Monday 22 September 2008

Moral Teachings

Poverty is a vice as it encourages destitution. Poverty should be discouraged and destitution avoided.


Neil Forsyth said...

No, no, no, no. Poverty originates in vice and moral blindness. Alas, the poor can't afford any vices. At least none worth having.

Andrew said...

But if the poor can't afford vices, and poverty originates in vice, how are the poor poor, Neil?

Neil Forsyth said...

The poor are poor because others are rich. Wealth itself is not a vice, but by its nature, or the nature of those who attain it (and seek to increase it ad infinitum), great evil is done. There is no need for anyone to be destitute, but in this country, your country, 300,000 people live in poverty. Why? Has our government done all it can to alleviate this suffering? Both are rhetorical questions, by the way.

Andrew said...

This moral teaching isn't as easy as I'd been led to believe.