Sunday 11 November 2007


In financial terms, this can be described as money becoming worth less money, or in existential terms a symbol coming to signify less than it used to signify. What was signified has remained as it was, so one is led to infer that something has occured to the signifier. What that may be remains obscure, but an idea worth serious consideration is that of Plato, which is that currency on this plane of existence is a pale reflection of the currency that exists in the world of pure forms, and that the etheric thread connecting this earthly dimension to that heavenly one is becoming weakened as a result of the cumulative sinking of vast numbers of the human consciousness into the hallucinatory realms of materialism and its technological offsprings. Consciousness is of course the element which secures the route between the two dimensions, and the atrophying of this element and the ensuing spiritual synaptic highway has led to this process of money becoming less real. It is only natural that money- which is merely a symbol and of the most precarious existential being- should be the first entity to manifest such a loosening of the bonds of existence and begin to fade into non-being.

Currently, the US dollar is plummeting in value, and worth far less European money than it used to; in other words, compared to many earlier moments in time, a larger number of abstract numbers on one side of the Atlantic is now required to equate with a number of abstract numbers on the other side of the Atlantic. The fading from view of the US currency is only natural as the American collective consciousness has entered more deeply into the materialistic, unreal realm than anywhere else, assured as it is that this plunging of consciousness into the unreal capitalist, televisual realms of applied materialism is a holy surrender to the American God, and where true individual salvation lies.

And so with the resulting weakening of the mind and the bonds to the Real, the Less Real phenomena of this world must become ever less real, and there is the realest of dangers that should this proces of unrealising of the human mind continue, the disconnection between the reflected and the true may become absolute, in which case all meaning will depart from this realm and it will instantly fall into non-existence. America may be the first to go, but by no means would it be alone in its downfall.
It should be stressed to anyone seeking an eastern philosophical silver lining that this non-existence would not be an enlightened one of Pure Emptiness or Absolute Mind, but its very degraded non-existing opposite of impure emptiness or absolute mindlessness; the unimaginable hell of an eternal vacuum into which no thought enters nor from which any departs.


Anonymous said...

Is it by intent that the internal structure of your finely wrought sentences mysteriously echo the contrapuntal harmonies of the great music of the Baroque period?

Andrew said...

It is indeed intended.

Neil Forsyth said...

On that note, you couldn't led us a tenner? I'm brassic.

Neil Forsyth said...

Dear Andrew,
The 'n' key on my keyboard sticks occasionally. What should I do?

Andrew said...

I'm trying to lead people in the direction of spiritual elevation, Neil, and so words cannot express my disappointment at your materialist pleadings.
I can offer a little help with the second query though, which is to try and avoid words containing the letter n. There's quite a few to choose from, and this could be an opportunity to stretch your vocabularistic means.

Neil Forsyth said...

I'm afraid the material nearly always wins out against the immaterial. And sure a few bob in pocket is grand for the nerves.

Thanks for the advice by the way, but quite frankly I don't think I can get by without the letter 'n'. No, no, no.

Andrew said...

I suppose I'll concede your point about the few bob, but surely, for example, it wouldn't be too much to say instead of No, no, no...Opposite of yes, opposite of yes, opposite of yes?