Sunday 25 August 2024

Protect and Serve

In tandem with the newest upcoming emanation from the Corporate Whore franchise, Corporate Whores Fight the Systemis a second series to be shown on alternate days to the above, this one titled: Corporate Whores Protect Democracy. 

A prominent bourgeois academic occasionally contributes soundbites of philosophical wisdom for our mutual edification within this series, one of which utterances we are proud to repeat here: “Cancel culture is perhaps the greatest weapon we possess in the protection of democracy. Ideally through its use we get to cancel all opposition - even contrary thoughts  are forbidden. And thus if all opposition is cancelled, there are no enemies of democracy left. This is simple, beautiful and profound. Even some of the lower intellectual classes ought to be able to grasp this.”
The corporate whores found all this extremely funny, but struggled a bit to understand what it meant.

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