Saturday 3 August 2024

Get Hold of the Children 2 - Saint Paisios

 Just in relation to the previous post about the dictatorship or at the very least spirit of dictatorship which Aldous Huxley presumed would increasingly unfold in the west, and to target children with their poisonous ideologies, I just picked up a book compiled from recorded talks with the great 20th century Greek ascetic figure, Saint Paisios (not that he’d likely be pleased to be called great) and the page I opened, I think more or less immediately, has the following snippet:

 - In other words, Geronda, the educational system has evolved in a way that will cause great harm to our youth.
 - It is true that many young people will be harmed, but the Good Lord will judge accordingly. He will look into the situation and determine how these young people would have feared if they had not been so harmfully influenced or indeed been done so much harm however it is we must pray fervently for the poor children so that God will intervene and keep them from harm, and grant them spiritual health so that they will acquire virtues.

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