Tuesday 27 August 2024

Babylonian Ethos: Human Trafficking, Big Pharma and Killing for Profit

Here Orthodox priest Fr Peter Heers, talks of big issues of the day, and the substance of which up till very recently would probably have meant the video not lasting very long on the Google owned YouTube.

The main person he uses in this series of lectures on the Book of Revelation is the Greek priest Fr Athanasios Mitilinaios’ talks from the early 1980s, and one quote from him from 1983, and with unparalleled resonance in our day, is: 

The monetary power of these corporations is such that it is not so difficult to adulterate a medicine or market is before adequate testing, only to find out the adverse effects of their merchandise and number of years later.

Not to Be Outdone

Never ones to rest on their considerable laurels and not to be outdone by their former bandmates, Rockstars Against Freedom, Countercultural Icons of Humanity have just recorded a new song which the cutting edge posse over at Rolling Stone magazine are describing as “a love song to the common people.” 
The song is called Put a Mask on Your Face and Shut the Hell Up. 


Rockstars Against Freedom are about to release a new song: Only the Unvaxxed Die Young. 
The b side is Me and Big Pharma Are Like This.
And in a truly revolutionary move there is even a c side, which is a slightly modified cover of John Lennon’s  biting song, Gimme Some Truth, now titled I Get All the Truth I Need from the Mainstream Media, Thank You Very Much.

Monday 26 August 2024



Not finished yet, but as is now.

Sunday 25 August 2024

Protect and Serve

In tandem with the newest upcoming emanation from the Corporate Whore franchise, Corporate Whores Fight the Systemis a second series to be shown on alternate days to the above, this one titled: Corporate Whores Protect Democracy. 

A prominent bourgeois academic occasionally contributes soundbites of philosophical wisdom for our mutual edification within this series, one of which utterances we are proud to repeat here: “Cancel culture is perhaps the greatest weapon we possess in the protection of democracy. Ideally through its use we get to cancel all opposition - even contrary thoughts  are forbidden. And thus if all opposition is cancelled, there are no enemies of democracy left. This is simple, beautiful and profound. Even some of the lower intellectual classes ought to be able to grasp this.”
The corporate whores found all this extremely funny, but struggled a bit to understand what it meant.

Saturday 24 August 2024


 By Julianna Barwick from the album The Magic Place.

Tuesday 20 August 2024


An informer embedded in the very heart of the entertainment industrial complex is adamant that the Corporate Whore franchise are set to unveil their newest outpuring in the coming days: Corporate Whores Fight the System. 

Apparently not all corporate whores involved were initially comfortable with the idea of fighting the system, but when it was explained to them that this is what corporate whores now do, everyone got fully on board with the project.



Something I kept working on after this point and didn’t work out, or whatever it might have had going for it it lost.

Friday 16 August 2024

Not Quite

 If this is to get to a state of completion this isn’t quite it, but this is it for now.


 Countercultural Icons of Humanity, that seminal group that emerged nigh on fully formed from the bowels of the perhaps equally seminal Rockstars Against Freedom, have just released a new song: I Genuinely Had No Idea Communism Would Pay So Well
The b side is Imagine if the Plebs Had No Possessions.

Thursday 15 August 2024

The Gatekeeper

[I’m sure this could do with some cleaning up, but whether I’ll feel like that later or not, here it is for now.]

 There was a manor house, the owner, or let’s say lord, of which for now was elsewhere, and guarding the gates to all this was a gatekeeper, whose job of course was to control who got to come in and out - visitors, deliveries, whoever. Along with those who came and were allowed in were quite a few more who came to the gates but were turned away. They only wanted to look around, they wouldn’t stay long  . . . it didn’t matter, they weren’t coming in.

 But they were some annoying and persistent ones who kept turning up, looking to be let in, and unfortunately the gatekeeper, maybe to help pass the time, began to get complacent and even let himself be drawn into conversations with these undesirables lingering at the gates. And in this deepening lack of vigilance and losing the true sense of being a gatekeeper, he one day even dozed off after, fool that he was now himself becoming, he even went so far as to share a drink with these layabouts, and so now, various of these fools climbed the unwatched gates, opened them now from the inside, and they all headed on up the driveway and entered the house. Maybe they had even drugged the gatekeeper’s drink, I don’t know, but on he slept and, however word got out, soon along came worse types, more outright degenerates, and a little later in their turn came worse ones again, who were perhaps simply outright wicked. It was maybe something of an ascending hierarchy that had come along and got in - fools and layabouts, degenerates and the wicked.

And finally when the gatekeeper awoke and came to his senses and saw the opened gates, people wandering up and down the drive, and after rushing up to the house and seeing the bedlam inside, he pleaded and roared at them to leave, got laughed at and fled back in despair to the gates, which to be honest he didn’t now know if they should be kept open or closed. 

His position he realised was hopeless, he was powerless to sort it out himself, and eventually after all kinds of inner tortures he realised he had to call the lord of the manor, admit to the state of affairs and depend on his help if possible to set things right - and which is exactly what transpired. The lord was far more calm and understanding than the gatekeeper had any right to expect, some of his people came along, and the run was put on the undesirables, however frightening they may have appeared, and everything cleared up and restored to order.

 The gatekeeper ashamed and humbled, to to something of his surprise he didn’t lose his role, he wasn’t even particularly talked and given out to, but instead it seems he was trusted to have a deepened sense of his role as gatekeeper to the house and grounds, and how of course vigilance was the key to things.

Incidentally, just to add, the gatekeeper heard word of something very similar happening to another manor house not far away, but in this case the gatekeeper had it seemed, rather than try to rectify the quickly developing madness, joined in with the invaders, and when things were eventually sorted in very like manner to the first situation, there he was found, at one with them, debauched in body and mind, and wherever they ended up, presumably he ended up there too.

Friday 9 August 2024

Discarded nearly


Something I’ve worked on a bit and maybe in the process of salvaging, after thinking it was more something to learn from in future efforts than having any hope in itself.

Monday 5 August 2024


“What have you been up to lately?”
“I’ve been focused on my spiritual advancement.”
“Very interesting. And how has it gohe?”
“I have attained self-realisation.”
“And what realisation have you attained, so to speak?”
“I’ve realised that I’m an idiot.”

Sunday 4 August 2024

Saturday 3 August 2024


 A pretty difficult piece, however its initial rough form came about, to try to sort out into some kind of harmonious whole. Maybe it’s gone beyond such a hope!

Get Hold of the Children 2 - Saint Paisios

 Just in relation to the previous post about the dictatorship or at the very least spirit of dictatorship which Aldous Huxley presumed would increasingly unfold in the west, and to target children with their poisonous ideologies, I just picked up a book compiled from recorded talks with the great 20th century Greek ascetic figure, Saint Paisios (not that he’d likely be pleased to be called great) and the page I opened, I think more or less immediately, has the following snippet:

 - In other words, Geronda, the educational system has evolved in a way that will cause great harm to our youth.
 - It is true that many young people will be harmed, but the Good Lord will judge accordingly. He will look into the situation and determine how these young people would have feared if they had not been so harmfully influenced or indeed been done so much harm however it is we must pray fervently for the poor children so that God will intervene and keep them from harm, and grant them spiritual health so that they will acquire virtues.

Huxley - Get Hold of the Children

“You can read in the trade journals the most analytical accounts of how necessary it is to get hold of the children because then they will be loyal, branded buyers later on, but you just translate this into political terms, the dictator [or dictatorship] says they will be loyal ideology buyers when they’re grown up.”

From an interview with Aldous Huxley from around 1960 on the envisaged and very probable future of the west.

Unsure 2

 A few quick small changes to this image of a few days ago - not that, if it is to reach some worthwhile stage of completion, I think it’s reached it now.



Thursday 1 August 2024