Wednesday 27 September 2023

Socialist Fantasy Meets Reality, Produces Fascism - Summary

I earlier wrote a part 1 to this theme and haven’t yet finished the follow-up, but in the meantime I should be able to sum up the essence of the matter here pretty concisely - though, to warn you, if a little brutally.

 Socialism is a power fantasy from amongst those of a more intellectual bent from within the bourgeoisie - a sub-group who in terms of financial weight and hence power in a materialist, post-Industrial Revolution western society are relative nobodies. So these, in a sense, embittered outcasts from within the bourgeoisie devise an ideological fantasy where, in total contrast to their felt state of disempowerment, they take over control of the State, and now have absolute power.  In this ideological “leftist” fantasy the State, i.e. they themselves, own everything - this the real meaning of the beautiful ideal of no private property. No opposition is permitted and anyone felt to be such a threat - which means anyone denying the triumph of their ego over reality - is crushed. So serving this, along come the shutting down of the narrative of reality, through the justification of things like ‘hate speech’ and ‘misinformation.’

Even all nation states are ultimately dissolved, as the power lust extends to the entire planet. Thus it is a globalist fantasy, and literally all human reality is overcome in this lust for power. This is all of course cloaked by supposed idealism, in which anyone opposing the ideal marks themselves out as an enemy of the good who must for good reason be removed. Thus cancel culture: opposition is cancelled: at best ‘re-educated’, otherwise exiled, sent to the gulag, worked to death or executed.

So this is the unrestrained fantasy, but what about when it meets reality? Particularly within a modern industrial nation and its power structures, the idea of those forces at the helm of all this worldly power being overthrown by these relatively impoverished, angry, intellectuals is little more than laughable. If those really at the reins of worldly power feel like it, with all this worldly wisdom and their own love of power in their DNA, so to speak, if they feel truly threatened, the beast beneath the civilised veneer will produce its claws and, with all the genuine power at their command, these intellectual fantasists will be dealt with very easily.

However, and I’ll try to be more brief, in the encounter of socialist fantasy and reality, what if instead of having to defeat all the existing power structures like the nation state and big business, the ideologues unite with them? And so fascism: thus the Nazis’ name of National Socialism, and why Mussolini’s friend Gentille could say that “Fascism is a form of socialism; it is its most viable form.”

And so to point to the present a little. Anyone of course felt to be an opposition to modern leftist “liberalism” will be called a fascist, but fascism is where we still have leftist totalitarianism, but the fantasy has been refined due to its meeting with external reality. So leftist totalitarians unite with Big Business and the State, rather than having to overthrow them. The innocently uneducated might imagine it to be an absolute evil to which the left is in complete opposition, but it is really just a kind of heretical offshoot from the pure fantasy where all opposition vanishes before itself.

So a few modern elements of Big Business to which in fascism the State is very much in unison with, are Big Tech, Big Pharma, the mainstream media. So when Donald Trump was kicked off the Big Tech platforms like Twitter and Facebook whilst being President of the US, he very obviously was not the form of government that was in perfect alliance with the forces of Big Business. He is a felt opposition - which under totalitarian systems is not allowed to exist, though you can be a pretend opposition, which is the  usual political “divide”. And so Trump is relentlessly targeted by the various forces of power working in unison to eliminate this almost unimaginable threat to have arisen to their seemingly closed systems of power.

 When the mainstream media and Big Tech in unison with left wing government and the FBI blatantly lied about the truth of things like Hunter Biden’s laptop, this is an alliance of forces and intent that is classic fascism. The interests of authoritarian left wing government and ideology pushed by Big Business.

When radical left-wing gender ideology is being pushed by the giant corporations like Budweiser, Disney, Hollywood, even to their financial detriment, here again is the union of State and Big Business that is classic fascism. So rather than defeat “the forces of capitalism”, the ideologues unite with them. These centralising forces are together getting stronger, individual liberties are getting weaker - that’s the program of operations.

When an experimental drug that doesn’t stop you getting some sickness, is forced on the populations of almost all the planet, where civil liberties are massively curtailed, and there is an almost total unity of purpose amongst Big Government, Big Pharma - who profit to unimaginable levels - Big Tech, who endeavour to censor any opposition views regarding these practices, the mainstream media singing almost exclusively and for as long as feasibly possible from the same hymn sheet . . . Well it should be pretty obvious that here again we are in the midst of the classic fascist variation on the totalitarian socialist power fantasy. The State allied to big business tries to award itself pretty much unlimited powers over the individual. And the willingly propagandised masses were supposed to feel very comfort in how well they were being medically looked after - by the same people telling them we need to use the term “birthing persons” instead of  “mothers” because the birthing person could be a man. Totalitarian science - or the despot of “half-science” as Dostoevsky termed it as he saw it beginning to emerge.

So here in practice we see the intellectual absolutist power fantasy has met reality, become adapted and become a more plausible and viable form. As Machiavelli wrote, "the people are everywhere anxious not to be dominated or oppressed by the nobles, and the nobles are out to dominate and oppress the people”. It’s just that the makeup of the nobles can vary, but the underlying desire for power and more of it is obviously through history a constant element.

So even the summary is a bit longer than I’d hoped but anyway I think it’s all pretty obvious stuff.

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