Wednesday 26 July 2023

Independent Spirits

They were so cutting and sharp, so witty and cynical and superior about all these powers-that-be; looked down at them from their heights, these independent spirits, they poured amused scorn on their stupidity and their corruption. But then someone came along who all these powers-that-be were utterly united in in their fear and hatred of, so threatening to their foundations, their system must he have been felt to be.
And so how do you think did these proud, independent spirits respond to this threat to these corrupt creatures they’d been laughing at for so long?”
“I’m presuming they rejoiced at this unexpected threat to all the stinking incestuousness.”
“Well no, you presume wrong. It turned out that they had infinitely more hatred and scorn for this new threatening outsider than for all the others combined.”
“Really? I suppose their sense of independence suffered an awful lot when they saw that, after all, they were knee deep in all the incestuousness? That their independence was a complete illusion.”
“No, there was nothing like that. I think they were convinced they more independent than ever.”
“So no blow to their self-esteem?”
“Oh no.”

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