Friday 20 January 2023

Spiritual Parody

One of the most fundamental aspects of the realm of the demonic is to be devoid of creativity but instead to parody truth. With this lens, consider sports people kneeling to BLM, the Marxist inspired organisation. Marxism, without having to go into it, is of course actively atheistic, actively so as under Marxist regimes atheism will be imposed by even murder of believers, and especially believers in Christ, as was the case in the USSR. And needless to say, the same forces behind this genuflecting to the banner of BLM would have absolute frothing fits of rage at the idea sports people should kneel before God or Christ before sports events. The true act of kneeling is in full humility, kneel in a spirit of trust and surrender before the divine. Strip away the vague idealistic formulations, and this BLM version is nothing but a mockery of this.

Similarly if a sportsperson did not wish to participate in some form of LGTB etc display, they would inevitably be attacked  as the most intolerant of bigots, but - and this kind of coercion would also of course be a parody of each person’s free will and their spiritual inner movement - if someone pushed the idea of these athletes having to display allegiance to Christ, utter rage by these same forces would surge forth. But they demand absolute submission to the spiritual parody. And this is in itself a contrast of the truth, the divine, and the parody, the diabolical. The truth respects free will, the parody imposes coercion.

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