Friday 5 December 2008

Free-Will & the External Seer

Consider a video recording of a football match. As the game was actually played the players have absolute freedom to act of their own volition. However, watching this later their actions obviously will not change, which is not to say that they were deprived of free will as they acted. Similarly we could talk of God as an observer of life existing free of our notion of time, knowing exactly what happens within our time, but this not contradicting the freedom of movement of people within time and earthly life.


Anonymous said...

You say this, and yet I continue to watch the highlights of games I know Hamburg lost on the offchance they might turn the tables on reality and sneak a victory (if I will them to, that is)

Andrew said...

Some would call such an attitude heroic, some foolhardy, some a little bit insane; perhaps the truth contains a mixture of all three, though I admit to being more inclined towards teh third choice.