Monday 29 July 2024


“Did you see that Olympics ceremony with the blasphemous transgender parody of the Last Supper? Easy know they wouldn’t target Islam like that.”
“You mean because of the repercussions that might come along?”
“Yeah, like Charlie Hebdo.”
“It goes much deeper than that though.”
“What do you mean?”
“All this atheistic, degenerate wokeism, or whatever we call it, results from an openness to thoughts or temptations that are demonic at source. That open door may be a result of intellectual vanity - and so the person thinks being able to believe these stupid, crazy thoughts are actually the signs of deep intelligence and sophistication. There’s other mixed in reasons too obviously - like extreme sensuality, the lust for power or servility, maybe some deep inner wound.
But anyway, at source these thoughts are demonic.”
“Right. But why does that mean Islam isn’t targeted? Islam is totally anti-woke.”
“Yes, but the demons aren’t worried or terrified by Muhammad or Islam. As it says in the Book of Revelation, “The devil is filled with fury, because he knows he has but a short time.” So they have to get in their blasphemies quick while they still have time!”

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