Tuesday 30 July 2024


“Just because there’s raindrops falling on your head, doesn’t mean they’re your raindrops. And just because there’s thoughts inside your head, doesn’t mean they’re your thoughts.”
“Nonsense. Whose other thoughts could they be?”
“Whose other raindrops could they be?”




“You accommodated them because you did not want to insult them, but later they will not hesitate to insult you.”

Saint Paisios


 Don’t really know how I feel about this but here it is in its state as of now.

Monday 29 July 2024



Something I occasionally try to finish.


“Did you see that Olympics ceremony with the blasphemous transgender parody of the Last Supper? Easy know they wouldn’t target Islam like that.”
“You mean because of the repercussions that might come along?”
“Yeah, like Charlie Hebdo.”
“It goes much deeper than that though.”
“What do you mean?”
“All this atheistic, degenerate wokeism, or whatever we call it, results from an openness to thoughts or temptations that are demonic at source. That open door may be a result of intellectual vanity - and so the person thinks being able to believe these stupid, crazy thoughts are actually the signs of deep intelligence and sophistication. There’s other mixed in reasons too obviously - like extreme sensuality, the lust for power or servility, maybe some deep inner wound.
But anyway, at source these thoughts are demonic.”
“Right. But why does that mean Islam isn’t targeted? Islam is totally anti-woke.”
“Yes, but the demons aren’t worried or terrified by Muhammad or Islam. As it says in the Book of Revelation, “The devil is filled with fury, because he knows he has but a short time.” So they have to get in their blasphemies quick while they still have time!”

Sunday 28 July 2024

Thursday 25 July 2024

Not Running

“I see Joe Biden isn’t running in the next Presidential election.”
“Why is that? Is it because he has dementia?”
“No, it’s because everyone now thinks he has dementia.”
“And why do they think that?”
“Because he has dementia.”

Biden may yes have gone a little downhill of late, but here is him below at his peak before the last election. He was one well-oiled intellectual machine:

It is everyone’s great spiritual honour to have been created by . . . you know, the thing.

Wednesday 24 July 2024



Something I think is finished.

Saturday 20 July 2024

Truth and Parody

There’s truth and there’s parodies of truth. The truth isn’t dependent on the parodies, but the parodies are completely dependent on the truth, which they pretend to be.

The only substance to the parody is the illusion of its equating to truth. If there were no truth there would be no parody, while if there were no parodies there would only be truth.

So on the one hand the enemy of the parody is truth, which gives the lie to itself, but on the other an imposter needs truth in the first place, and which it pretends to be. The parody has no autonomy.

Moving sideways or onto relativism, within which everything is declared to have equal validity, the simplest way to see this clearly is employing it in the world of mathematics. So two plus two is what? In relativism, every answer is equally valid; thus two plus two equals five or nine or seventeen or any answer you like. Another expression and extension of this thinking is that any answer can identify as the right answer, and so nine identifies as the right answer or as whatever number it likes.

But where we have faith in the meaningfulness of language, which is the necessary basis for all mental activity, then we simply have two plus two equals four. And so the truth puts the lie to all the parodies of truth, and truth is the enemy of the parody or the lie. This is now where “the world” now stands in relation to truth. Truth is the enemy. Losing faith spiritually seamlessly becomes losing faith intellectually also, and finding one’s way into this world of parody and meaninglessness. 

And to move more overtly to the spiritual realm, Satan is described as the father of lies. Christ is also sometimes termed The Logos or the Word, and so spiritual truth and intellectual truth are one, and which is a very unemphasised reality. Instead faith tends in the West to be considered the anti-intellectual stance, but as we see the intellect without faith, including faith in language, becomes a farcical parody. And this where “the world” is with its “Choose your pronouns” and so on. The truth is here the enemy because it gives the lie to the parody.

Friday 19 July 2024


“Why don’t you add some colour?”
“What in terms of truth would colour add?”
“Well, it might add some beauty.”
“Yes, maybe there is that.”



Thursday 18 July 2024

Deep State Assassination Attempt

We can bring you some exciting  music news where global phenomenon, Deep State Cabal have a new song coming out called We Would Never Attempt to Assassinate Our Enemies (Because That Would Be the Wrong Thing to Do (And It Would Also Be Out of Character)).

There is also a B-side to the single called Unhinged Conspiracy Theories Should be Classified as Hate Speech.

Saturday 13 July 2024

One Soul to Another

 One soul to another: “ I did everything I could to satisfy the body, all its desires. It was my main focus. And do you know how it rewarded me?”
“ It went and died. What a lack of gratitude. And where was I then? What was I supposed to do with myself?”

Friday 12 July 2024


 Fans of the Corporate Whore franchise will be delighted to learn of their newest upcoming offspring, a perhaps unusually sombre emanation, titled: Corporate Whores Suffer Collateral Damage. As usual, for now its inner content, the machinery of its soul, so to speak, is a closely guarded secret.


 “I hear the mainstream media seems to have just discovered that Joe Biden has raging dementia.”
“Yeah, if only they had stayed away from the mainstream media, they’d have known this years ago.”

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Mindscape 2


Another piece I’m trying to sort out.

Monday 8 July 2024


 Something from a while back I’m trying to satisfactorily finish.


Undaunted by his lack of musical ability, Bill Gates has just recorded a new song which, all going well, will be released on the populations of the world in the coming days. It’s a song about the difficulties and misunderstandings we go through in the search for love, and is called: You Say I Never Told You I Was a Psychopath (But Is it Really My Fault that You Never Thought to Ask?).

Thursday 4 July 2024

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Tuesday 2 July 2024


In the service of our collective entertainment and moral enhancement, Deep State Cabal have just teamed up with Spruce Pipedream to record and rush-release a new song: Joe Biden Doesn’t Have Dementia (Or if He Does He Only Just Picked it Up). 

The song sparkles with energy and emotion.

Incidentally, some experts are saying that if Joe Biden really does have dementia - though of course he doesn’t - then there’s every chance the unvaccinated are to blame. 

“They can feel really proud of themselves,” said a spokesperson in a sarcastic tone from the World Health Organization. “The time for diplomacy should have been over a long time ago, but some people refused to listen. And now we see perfectly healthy people are allegedly picking up dementia. Coincidence?”

more black and red (and white)

 I’m not exactly crazy about this quick and pretty haphazard piece, but here it is anyway.

Monday 1 July 2024

Sharp as a Tack


“Do you ever think the media is full of crap?”
“Oh no. I never think that. The only thing coming out the backside of the media is honesty.”
“Not crap?”


“Would you eat something that wasn’t fit for human consumption?”
“I don’t know. I’d have to think about it.”

Giacomo Favretto


Two works by this late 19th century Venetian artist.