Saturday 9 April 2022

Ukrainian Nationalism and Nazism

A very interesting article on the history of Ukrainian nationalism over the past century or so, and how enmeshed it has been with Nazism, stemming particularly from how an alliance with Germany was helping in the war against the Bolsheviks at the end of WW1, and then later allying with Hitler against that same communist regime. It worked out as not just a marriage of convenience but rather a very deep ideological entwining of Ukrainian nationalism and Nazism.

The article writes on how the West has been deeply involved in intentionally “grooming neo-Nazis’ in Ukraine for quite a while. I could lift much more dramatic stuff from he article but just to show this is not a faded issue of the past:

And according to current Ukrainian law, there are two kinds of “Ukrainians”—the “Germanic Ukrainians,” along with allied people, the Tatars and Karaites (neither of whom actually live in Ukraine).

Then, there are the undesirable people, who are not legally “Ukrainians.” These are the Slavs, and a few others like the Magyars and the Romani.

This is the “Law of the Indigenous Peoples of Ukraine” which states that only Germanic Ukrainians, Tatars and Karaites have “the right to fully enjoy all human rights and all fundamental freedoms.” It was signed into law by the current BFF of the West, President Volodymyr Zelensky, on July 21, 2021. In other words, racial segregation of society into the Uebermenschen and the Untermenschen.

I actually have a sister in law from Vinnytsia in west-central Ukraine, and though born and bred in Ukraine, because she is Slavic rather than of these “indigenous peoples”, she is a lower class of human within the Ukrainian state and its “ethnically cleansing” official ideology.
So anyway this again is the link to the article:

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