Wednesday 24 December 2008

Christmas Quiz

The season that's in it, a Christmas literary quiz. From which well-known play have I excavated the following quote:

Sleep no more!
Macbeth does murder sleep


Anonymous said...

Is it from 'Let Sleepings Dogs Be, Or Not Be Steeped in Blood' by Horatio Dache-Brewer?

Andrew said...

Sorry bout delay. Afraid you're on the wrong track altogether with that choice. Tobh I was afraid teh question I'd feared was a tad too easy, but since this site gets I'm sure literally millions of viewers daily and you were the only one brave enough to hazard a guess, then I'm forced to conclude I'd underestimated both the ignorance and stupidity of my audience- no offence meant.
You'll kick yourself, but the answer is Shakespeare's bloody tour-de-force 'Macbeth'.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. I never would have got that. There were no clues or anything..
Incidentally, it's interesting how Macbeth's cruel and vicious murder of sleep is all too often overlooked in favour of the more glamorous killings of Duncan, Banquo et al.

Andrew said...

Good point about the sleep. A far more substantial achievement than the Duncan killing.

Andrew said...

Just to add again- sorry bout teh long delays. I'd simply let comments open but for having received a spate of ugly unwell contributions heretofore.