The unadorned purity of this is incredible.
“Big” Al Gore has vowed to save the world from climate change by going on a diet. It is believed that the resulting reduced pressure on the earth’s resources in no longer having to feed and maintain Gore at his current level could restore health and balance to the global environment.
I don’t know if this will become something finished or not, but I suppose there’s no harm in showing it as is - or at least as was when I photographed it.
The line from the Gospels, “By their fruits ye shall know them.” Ordinarily one would think of this in reference to people, of good or bad inclination, and especially those who “come in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”
On a more direct individual level though, it reflects on the inner state which arises from where we put our attention. This can be external things or perhaps the thoughts in our heads, which may lead us in certain psychological directions, such as despair. So here again, whatever it is, what are its fruits?
The full, though still unfinished, picture was image of something I showed a few days ago, and with a colour filter applied.
Why the massive increase in tattoos, piercings in the very modern era? Because the spirit of the age is materialism, and thus the mind/soul of those immersed in that spirit is on identification with the flesh, and to an unprecedented level. So the spirit tries to merge absolutely with the flesh. In the apparent absence of a higher spiritual reality, it tries to brand itself in the physical. The sense of higher or spiritual truth is intrinsic to us and so that powerful yearning for truth and union will be there, but here it attempts to fulfil itself with the flesh - in a time where the prevalent ethos informs there is nothing beyond flesh/matter. So here is where truth is attained.
Obviously I could go on alot on this, but this is the brutal shorthand.
In 1962, the Soviet Union placed nuclear missiles in Cuba and only removed them as a result of threats by the United States, which resulted in a deal. Guevara told the British Daily Worker newspaper soon after, ‘If the missiles had remained, we would have used them against the very heart of the United States, including New York. We must never establish peaceful coexistence. We must walk the path of victory even if it costs millions of atomic victims.’
The words of an insane psychopath. And which also shows, when someone has willingly opened themselves up to the nakedly demonic, and then in full conscience, or absence of conscience, commit to that choice, rational limits can go out the window. Joy in destruction and nihilistic chaos is the deeper desire.
Just to mention this book which I’m currently reading in digital form, and would definitely recommend. Very readable and interesting.
This powerful memoir tells the story of a Greek youth who, out of a desire to know the truth empirically, began to experiment in yoga, hypnotism, and various occult techniques. He visited the ancient monastic republic of Mount Athos in his native Greece, where he was brought to a knowledge of Jesus Christ by the saintly Elder Paisios (1924–1994). Nevertheless, believing he had only found “part of the truth” on the Holy Mountain, he chose to give the “same opportunity” to Hindu yogis that he had given to Elder Paisios and other Orthodox monks. Thus, at the age of twenty-five, he embarked on a trip to India, where he undertook his search in the ashrams of three famous gurus, one of whom (Babaji) was worshipped as a god. His experiences in India, along with his subsequent encounters with Elder Paisios on Mount Athos, are recounted in the present book in vivid detail. |